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Tip of the Month

October 2017

The WakaWaka Light Source

While in Rwanda for the Kwita Izina baby Mountain Gorilla naming ceremony Mary and I met Maurits Groen (Green in Dutch), the founder of a company of an ingenius light source, the WakaWaka. The unusual name is Swahili for Bright Light, and the light is a state-of-the-art Solar Powered flight source using Space Station solar panel technology.

lThe WakaWaka Light Source is not just a light source, it is also a docking station for a USB or mini-USB powered device. The power source -- energized by the sun -- will charge a cell phone, digital camera, or anything else that you can charge with a USB cable - like our Kindles!

Although this is a truly nifty device, that's not why I'm so excited about it. Instead, I am excited and enthusiastic about what WakaWaka achieves. As they say on their website, more than a billion people have no access to electricity. For the ubiquitous cell phone, charging in many remote areas requires about 100X the cost one would pay in the US for the same service, totaling up to 20% of a family's income on light and access to electricity.


WakaWakas provides a low cost source of light and electricity for everyone, but also distributes these light sources to needy people around the world. map.i

Here's some stats (above) and areas where WakaWakas have been distributed.

So, here's the thing -- the WakaWaka is a great, light weight light source. I can use it to light our tents and rooms in various foriegn countries when the power fails (not infrequently!), I can use it to charge our Kindles and cell phones, and I can also use it as an alternative light source when I'm doing video. In fact, since I have FIVE WakaWakas, I can do interesting lighting.

Further, I'm reducing my Carbon Footprint -- something I really didn't worry too much about, I'm sorry to say, until I started researching Polar Bears for an upcoming book I'm now writing, and these WakaWakas are being distributed to needy people around the world.

Here's the less expensive version, that does not charge a USB charger. The illustrations show various ways the WakaWaka (either type) can be mounted -- hung from a string, mounted on a soda bottle, and standing alone.

Profits from US sales goes to underwrite the FREE distribution of WakaWakas to needy people around the world, and underwrites the cost for those who purchase ones at various Third World outlets.

BUY ONE OR SEVERAL. We bought five!

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